
I’m Rachel, I work with writers to help them deepen their writing practice, learn their process, improve their craft—and rewrite their stories.

This newsletter provides guidance, including resources, approaches, strategies, exercises, and prompts for nonfiction writers. It’s primarily geared toward nonfiction writers, but can benefit anyone who wants to build a sustainable writing practice, regardless of genre or purpose. It’s a great place for writers to find tools and inspiration at any stage of the journey.

Subscribers get two letters from me each week.

Every other Monday, I write about the how, what, and why of writing, in theory and practice. I get a lot of inspiration for these posts from the writers I coach, as they encounter challenges and opportunities in their own work, and as ideas about what writing means for our lives. I’ll also reply to questions from you, so please email me with any topics you’d like covered.

Every Friday, I send a generative, exploratory creating writing prompt for you to practice with!

All subscribers currently receive the same stuff—but paid subscriptions are open for those who want to show their support with bucks. Subscribers will never miss a post, and get full access to the archive. The resources and writings I post are evergreen, so the archive is a great resource for writers!

And tell yr friends!

Subscribe to You Are a Writer

In-depth posts on writing nonfiction and living writing, plus creative writing prompts, from your writing coach.


Writing coach and editor. Non-fiction. Non-jerk.